Informative Paint Classes
We are able to help teach our customers how to measure, monitor, interpret data, and employ action plans for improvement. Through yield improvements and tack time reductions, we can achieve the most capability from our customers’ processes.
We offer classes to our customers on topics such as Paint 101, Color and Measurement, Defect Analysis, and Introduction to Application.
U.S. Paint technicians work tirelessly on your behalf, beyond SOP, to help optimize your product, your application, and to help educate your staff. It is a partnership in which we share success and pride.
On-Site Support
U.S. Paint often provides technical staffing at our customers' manufacturing sites during the launch of new business platforms, or new models. With our team of chemists, engineers, and technicians, we provide launch support that is industry renown as the benchmark of efficiency and quality. Many of our customers also appreciate part-time or full-time on-site technical support.